Wanda Nanibush / Weaving Narratives across Borders
February 11, 2025 - February 11, 2025
This artist talk by Wanda Nanibush, is co-presented alongside AKA Artist-run Centre, PAVED Arts and the University of Saskatchewan Art Galleries and Collections. The talk will take place on Tuesday, February 11 at 7:30pm, in the University of Saskatchewan's Convocation Hall. Nanibush will discuss her ongoing practice as both an artist and curator, including her current billboard project, We Return, on view at 424 20th Street West, until Friday, February 28th!
About the Artist
Based in Toronto, Wanda Nanibush is the founding director of aabaakwad, an international yearly gathering of Indigenous curators, writers and artists that last took place at Venice Biennale. She recently won the Toronto Book Award for her co-authored book “Moving the Museum” which chronicles some of her groundbreaking work at the Art Gallery of Ontario as the Inaugural curator of Indigenous Art.
“…Ms. Nanibush has become one of the most powerful voices for Indigenous culture in the North American art world — a realm in which Canada has carved a distinct, and influential, approach.”
Presented in collaboration with
AKA Artist-run Centre is a space for emergent practices for artists at any stage of their careers, providing space and support for critical, safe, and open exchange.
PAVED Arts is a non-profit, artist-run centre and gallery that exists to advance knowledge and practices in what they call the ‘PAVED Arts’ arts: photography, audio, video, electronic and digital. They help artists and independent producers make and exhibit work.
The University of Saskatchewan Art Galleries and Collections is dedicated to continual unlearning, teaching, activation and processual exhibition. We are honoured to host Nanibush within this space.