
See. We Are One.

Cheryl Buckmaster

June 03, 2024 - June 07, 2024

Snelgrove Art Gallery

Curated by Cheryl Buckmaster

Balancing Power in the Genomics Research of Constructed Wetlands to Clean Oil Sands Tailings Water

Gallery Hours: Monday - Friday from 10am to 4pm

Reception: Friday, June 7 at 7 - 10pm

About the Exhibition

See. We Are One speaks about the findings, influences, and experiences that have shaped my research-creation journey and artwork as an artist researching within G.R.O.W., a large environmental remediation project. The research includes natural and social scientists, researchers across Canada, government and industry representatives, affected community members, microbes, wetland plants, and tailings pond water. I weave my research findings with shared knowledge, lived experience, and contemporary social and environmental justice movements. Through image juxtaposition, visual narratives are created that reflect values of ‘water’ as one living entity with rights, a possible shift in how science perceives the natural world, and how natural scientists and industry include, rank, and work with social scientists (and thus community input).

Renaissance-era artists such as Michelangelo Buonarroti and Leonardo da Vinci used research-creation to help fuel a scientific revolution and societal paradigm shift that elevated Western scientific inquiry and social and cultural ingenuity out of a dark and controlling era. Blending art and science resonates with my belief in the power of interdisciplinary collaboration to address contemporary challenges like environmental sustainability, water security, and human rights. I have deep gratitude for the ceremony, time, and words of wisdom shared by Elder Irene Fraser, Elder Roland Duquette, the late Elder Laura Wasacase and Artist Fredrick MacDonald. Inspired by shared Land-Based values, and da Vinci's ancient assertion "Learn to see. Realize everything connects to everything else," I am committed to a holistic research-creation approach that recognizes the interconnectedness of all life forms and ecosystems. Generations of environmental and human injustice affect every part of society intellectually, spiritually, physically, and emotionally. Remediation projects designed and applied in top-down ways against the values of affected communities, do not hear the voices that stand for ecological balance and all of our children's futures.Tailings pond water remediation is imperative. This exhibit is a call to confront uncomfortable truths about extraction and interdisciplinarity, a call to envision project processes where values, inclusion, and justice prevail over industrial disregard. As articulated in the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada's Calls to Action, this journey towards reconciliation demands clear and honest communication with all rights- and stakeholders. See. We Are One is a visual effort to create an educational platform of communication that is more accessible than the conventional scientific paper, and influences decision-making inside and outside this remediation project.

I thank educator Pearleen Kanewopasikot, granddaughter Angeleah, actor Guifré Bantjes-Ráfols and the late Trace Young, who were models for some of the artwork. Special thanks to Darcy Mcleod for “getting the show on the road”.

About the Artist

Cheryl Buckmaster is an artist educated at the Emily Carr College of Art and Design; and is a Master’s student in the School of Environment and Sustainability at the University of Saskatchewan. Currently in Canada, G.R.O.W., a large-scale genomics research project is being conducted for the optimization of constructed treatment wetlands to help clean oil sands processed water. Cheryl conducted research-creation to balance power for decision-making within the G.R.O.W. project. Cheryl’s artwork creates a public platform to communicate in a more accessible way.

Programming and Events

Closing Reception: Friday, June 7 at 7 - 10pm.