MFA Jordan Bidyk


Wednesday, August 14 - Saturday, August 24, 2024. 

Gallery hours: Mondays - Saturdays from 10am - 6pm, and Sunday, August 18 from 1 - 5:30pm.

The Gallery at The Frances Morrison Library 

Artist Talk: Saturday, August 17 at 2:00pm

Reception: Saturday, August 17 at 3:00 - 4:30pm

About the Exhibition

My practice explores depicting imaginary architectural spaces, assemblages and forms, while navigating the fine line in balancing analytical planning and thinking, with intuitive art making and subtle gestural evidence. This journey to find equilibrium in these two opposing ways of working is a reflection of not only who I am as an artist, but how I operate as a person. Within my maquettes, sculptural acrylic paintings and ink drawings, I focus on light and shadow to reinforce a 2D illusion of the 3D architectural structure. This has allowed me to work in a way that serves my need for organization and clarity, as well as my desire to push up against and challenge the aforementioned.

My goal by portraying abstracted and atmospheric architectural constructions that are made up of recognizable shapes and forms is that the viewer can create personalized connection points to their reality, while my techniques to exaggerate perspective, create illogical structure, allow for imperfection and abstract scale will pull the viewer into the realm of imaginary. This duality is not meant to frustrate or cause tension, but instead insist on the possibility that both can exist at the same time, in the same object.

About the Artist

Jordan Bidyk graduated with his Bachelor of Arts degree majoring in fine arts from the University of Regina (2020), completed a post-baccalaureate certificate in visual arts from the University of Regina (2022), and is a current MFA candidate at the University of Saskatchewan (to be completed Summer 2024). He has taught Introduction to Drawing and Introduction to Painting at the University of Saskatchewan during his MFA studies and has led multiple art workshops engaging with Saskatchewan communities. Jordan has produced dozens of works in the areas of drawing, painting, printmaking and sculpture, mounted a two-person show, and has shown in several group exhibitions across Canada and the United States. His current focus lies in depicting abstracted and atmospheric architectural spaces that both follow and defy the pictorial logic of perspective, to invoke curiosity to otherwise analytical and structured spaces. 

Programming and Events

Artist Talk: Saturday, August 17 at 2:00pm in The Gallery at the Frances Morrison Library 

Reception: Saturday, August 17 at 3:00 - 4:30pm