MFA Demilade Otayemi

AJAKUBO (Whirlwind)

The Journey of Belonging

Monday, August 12 - Thursday, August 22, 2024

Gallery hours: Mondays - Fridays from 10am - 4pm.

Gordon Snelgrove Gallery

Artist's Talk: Thursday, August 15 at 6:30pm 

Reception: Thursday, August 15 at 7:30 - 9:00pm

About the Exhibition

Ajakubo means 'whirlwind.' This name comes from a song I grew up hearing in Nigeria. It tells of a whirlwind that swept through a community and carried away children to an unknown place. It was unseen, but its impact was profound.
This metaphor resonates deeply with my current situation where I have embarked on an uncertain journey as a migrant, not knowing exactly where the paths ahead will lead, but understanding that this journey is essential for growth and desired progress. My exploration delves into how objects serve as necessary mediating devices for migrants. They act as tangible manifestations of familiarity and continuity amidst the changes demanded by migration. These objects, understood as "belongings," transcend their materiality, embodying personal and collective narratives, identity, memory, cultural, and family heritage.
Reflecting on this experience, I started to consider the things I've carried with me. These are the various elements, patterns and belongings that have kept me grounded and anchored in my identity, despite the changes and challenges of new environments. I look at the precariousness of the journey and the enduring aspects of self that we hold onto in the midst of transformation. The skewing and refiguration of their original forms reflect the whirlwind I have found myself within. Something unexpected and mercurial. Ajakubo.

About the Artist

Demilade Otayemi, a multidisciplinary artist from Nigeria, whose work serves as a powerful mirror to the ever-evolving identity and social consciousness of his environment.

Programming and Events

Artist's Talk: Thursday, August 15 at 6:30pm in the Gordon Snelgrove Gallery

Reception: Thursday, August 15 at 7:30 - 9:00pm