

Audie Murray

September 13, 2024 - December 20, 2024

Kenderdine Art Gallery

Curated by Leah Taylor

Audie Murray's solo exhibition, Pawatamihk, features recent work that addresses the revolutionary potential of dreaming.

Pawatamihk is produced in conjunction with curator Jesse Birch and the Nanaimo Art Gallery.

Upper image: Audie Murray, Chi Fii Embraces the Old Ones, 2021, digital photographs on cloth vinyl, 365.8 x 182.9 cm each. Image courtesy of Fazakas Gallery.

Lower image: Audie Murray, Spider in the Cosmos, 2021, glass pony beads and copper. Image Courtesy of Nanaimo Art Gallery.

About the Exhibition

This solo exhibition by artist Audie Murray features recent work that address and consider the revolutionary potential of dreaming. It is titled Pawatamihk after the Michif word for dream. Nanaimo Art Gallery curator Jesse Birch writes that “dreaming is dangerous for colonial worldviews as it allows a window of time and space to listen to the earth and to ancestors, to imagine the world differently, and to prepare to enact change.”

Murray works in a multitude of artistic mediums, including sculpture, media, beadwork and drawing. Her practice is informed by the processes of making and visiting, and explores themes of contemporary culture, embodied experiences, and lived dualities. These modes of working assist in the recentring of a collective connection to bodies, ancestral knowledge systems, and relationality.

Audie Murray, Bud, Tobacco & Spider, 2021, Budweiser beer can, silver thread, tobacco bundle, black velvet, 12.7 x 47 x 47 cm. Image courtesy of Fazakas Gallery.

About the Artist

Audie Murray is Cree-Métis from the Lebret and Meadow Lake communities, located on Treaty 4 and 6 territories, and is currently based in Oskana kâ-asastêki/Regina, Saskatchewan.

Murray holds a visual arts diploma from Camosun College, 2016; a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of Regina, 2017; and a Master of Fine Arts from the University of Calgary, 2022. She has exhibited widely, including MacKenzie Art Gallery, Regina; Remai Modern, Saskatoon; The Vancouver Art Gallery; Centre for Contemporary Arts, Glasgow; and the Anchorage Museum. Murray is represented by Fazakas Gallery, located on Sḵwx̱wú7mesh, Səl̓ílwətaʔ, and xʷməθkʷəy̓əm territory (Vancouver, BC).
Murray was Longlisted for the 2024 Sobey Art Award.

Audie Murray with Pawatamihk at the Nanaimo Art Gallery. Image courtesy of Nanaimo Art Gallery.

Programming and Events

Opening Reception:

  • Friday, September 13th, 2024, 6:30-9:00 pm.
  • Free and open to the public. Snacks and refreshments will be available.

Please check back for future programming.